Not Another Weekend
Not Another Weekend - an entertaining point and click puzzlefor Android devices.Set in the 80s AtmosphericAndroid game that will be great fun for gamers of all ages. Your main task is to expel all visitors frorummy wealth 999m Hotel 404, as well as gradually reveal all the incredible secrets about the dark past of this place. Here you will play the role of a messenger named Mike, who works in an upscale hotel, and the action itself will take place in the 80s. Beautiful pixel art Colorful pixel art and a crazy hotel adventure are here for you. This game pays homage to 80s pop culture and will also impress you with a unique story with many plot twists, rather strange and funny characters, humorous dialogues and challenging puzzles.CPU---Android OS8.0Open GL---Free Space 255.4 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----