Move ampamp39nampamp39 Bloom

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Move ampamp39nampamp39 Bloom - Bright and entertaining arcade puzzleBlossom-push - pretty arcade puzzle for android devices. Simple game mechanics A fun, colorful, dreamlike puzzle game that will keep you entertaining pastime, and also give a lot of positive impressions. In Push-Tsveti you have to solve simple, but at the same time very addictive puzzles, where you need to put together amusing creatures - Nyashek. As soon as you combine two or more Nyashki, they will instantly tu into lush flowers, and your main task when completing a level is to tu all creatures into plants! Great leisure time for kids Push & Blossom has inCloud Miningcredibly simple gameplay mechanics, easy-to-lea one-touch controls and pleasant 2D graphics with mode visuals. More than 60 unique levels with puzzles of various difficulty levels, many useful abilities, including scrolls of knowledge that give valuable hints, interesting level mechanics based on combining three or more characters, and much more are waiting for you!CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 149.6 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----