Burger.io: Fun IO Game [NoAds]

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Burger.io: Fun IO Game [NoAds] - Burgers battles in a huge arenaBurger.io: Fun IO Game - multiplayer arcade game. The prefix IO means only one thing - you have to fight with other players in real time and survive in a huge arena. Everything is about the same as we could see in Paper.io, except that the setting and gameplay are completely different. The main character will be not some kind of small snake, but a huge burger that eats all the goodies on its way and becomes stronger. The more you eat, the stronger you can become, destroying all the more dangerous enemies. As it should be, the main character has several skins, and during battles you wilBlack Jack Playl come across bonuses and various traps - all so that you don’t get bored!CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 73.01 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----